Winning Hands (Yaku)
One Han Yaku
Composed of a pair and 3 sets of tiles in sequence while waiting for the winning tile to complete the last sequence and has to be double side. Plus, there should be no melds (no chi/pung).
Composed only of simples (Chuu chan pai). This hand will still result in a one han even if the hand has chi or pon melds.

A winning hand (yaku) that translates into a one han when the player is waiting for certain tiles (tenpai) and announces "riichi" without making any chi or pon melds. 1000 points are needed as the riichi charge.
Menzen Tsumo

A winning hand (yaku) that does not involve any chi or pon melds and the winning tile is drawn by the player.

A winning hand (yaku) that is composed of 2 identical sequences in the same suit. Chi or pon melds invalidate this wining hand.
Two Han Yaku

A winning hand (yaku) that is composed of 4 sets of 3 identical tiles (kootsu) and a pair. Pon melds are allowed.
Sanshoku doujun

A winning hand (yaku) that is composed of sequences with the same numbers (7,8,9 for the example). Chi or pon melds convert this into a one han yaku.
Sanshoku doukou

A winning hand (yaku) that is composed of 3 suits of 3 identical tiles with the same number (2 for the example).

A winning hand (yaku) that is composed of a single suit containing 1 to 9. Chi or pon melds convert this into a one han yaku.
A winning hand (yaku) having 3 identical tiles or sequences using terminal or honor tiles. Chi or pon melds convert this into a one han yaku.
San ankou

A winning hand (yaku) having 3 sets of 3 identical tiles (no pon melds) entirely drawn from the wall.
San kantsu
A winning hand (yaku) having 3 sets of 4 identical tiles. Minkan or Ankan are both acceptable.

A winning hand (yaku) having only terminal or honor tiles. The winning hand also resembles the chiitoitsu or toitoi hands.

It is referred to as "7 pairs." It is completed by using 7 sets of pairs.
Three Han Yaku

A winning hand (yaku) having honor tiles and number tiles (single suit). Honor tiles and pins for the example. Chi or pon melds convert this into a two hans yaku.

A winning hand (yaku) having 2 Iipeikou. But this gets invalidated with a chi meld.

A winning hand (yaku) having sequences or 3 identical tiles using terminal tiles. Chi melds convert this into a two hans yaku.
Four Han Yaku
Shou Sangen

A winning hand (yaku) having 2 sets of 3 identical and 1 pair of dragon tiles.
Six Han Yaku

A winning hand (yaku) having only one suit. Chi or pon melds convert this into a five hans yaku.
Suu ankou

A winning hand (concealed) with 4 sets of 3 identical tiles.

A winning hand (yakuman) having 4 sets of wind tiles.

A winning hand (yakuman) having only 3 identical tiles sets (kootsu) using terminal tiles.
Kokushi Musou

A winning hand (yakuman) having 1 of each terminal and honor tiles. The example is composed of 13 types of tiles. It is needed a pair of something for the completion of the hand.
Suu Kantsu

A winning hand having 4 kans either Minkan or Ankan.
Dai Sangen

A winning hand (yakuman) having all 3 sets of dragon tiles (red green and white).
Tsuu iisou

A winning hand (yakuman) having only honor tiles.

Also known as "All green". A winning hand (yakuman) composed of souzu (bamboo) and the dragon tile (green).
Chuuren poutou

A winning hand (yakuman) having 3 identical tiles for the terminal tiles and 1 of each simple tile of the same suit. The example can be completed with any tiles.

A winning hand (yakuman) when a complete hand (14 tiles) is drawn by the dealer.
Suu Kantsu

A winning hand (yakuman) when a non-dealer draws the 14th winning tile from the wall while no melds are declared.